Steering and Finance Committee

Steering and Finance Committee

The Steering and Finance Committee is made up of administrators of special education programs and administrators knowledgeable in the area of special education finance from member school districts and charter schools (also known as local education agencies) in our SELPAs. The committee examines program issues and staffing needs, examines fiscal issues, and advises the CAHELP JPA Governance Council regarding the adoption of the Annual Service Plan as well as the Annual Budget Plan. If necessary, this committee may be requested to provide advice or assistance to the Governance Council in other areas as needs are identified.

The Steering and Finance Committee meet on a regular basis and is chaired by the CAHELP CEO.

For questions, please e-mail the JPA Administrative Services Assistant or contact 760-955-3555 for more information.


NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and California law, it is the policy of this office to offer its public programs, services, and meetings in a manner that is readily accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. If you are disabled and require a copy of a public hearing notice,or an agenda and/or agenda packet in an appropriate alternative format; or if you require other accommodations, please contact the CAHELP JPA Administrative Services Assistant at least five days in advance of the meeting. Advance notification will enable this office to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility.